Privacy Policy

Prattl Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how Prattl AI ("we", "us", "our") collects, uses, and discloses information when you use our Chrome extension (the "Extension").

Information We Collect

  • LinkedIn Data: To generate relevant comments and contributions, the Extension processes the content of LinkedIn posts and articles you interact with. This includes text, links, and potentially public profile information associated with the content.
  • API Authorization Key: We securely store your API authorization key in local storage to facilitate communication with our external AI service.
  • Usage Data: We may collect anonymous usage data (e.g., feature usage, non-identifiable error logs) to help improve the Extension.
  • Account Information: When you create a Prattl AI account, we collect your email address and a securely hashed and salted version of your password.

How We Use Your Information

  • AI-Generated Content: We use the LinkedIn post/article data and your API key to request comments and contributions from our external AI service.
  • Extension Functionality: We use stored data to keep track of recently interacted-with posts and for other core features of the Extension.
  • Improvement: Anonymous usage data helps us make the Extension better.
  • Authentication: We use your email and password to authenticate you when you log into your Prattl AI account.
  • Account Management: We may use your email to communicate with you about your account, send service-related updates, or provide support.

Information Sharing

  • AI Service: We share necessary LinkedIn post/article data with our external AI service provider in order to generate comments and contributions.
  • Third-Parties (Limited): We may share your information with third parties only as necessary to: (a) comply with legal requirements; (b) protect our rights and safety; (c) service providers aiding in operating the Extension.


We implement reasonable security measures to protect your information, including storing passwords in a hashed and salted format. However, no transmission method is 100% secure.

Control Over Your Information

  • Storage Settings: You can manage your local storage settings within your Chrome browser to delete your API key and other stored data.
  • Account Settings: You can manage your account information and preferences within the Extension's settings [or dedicated account area, if applicable].
  • Account Deletion: You may request deletion of your account by contacting us at [email protected].
  • Uninstallation: Uninstalling the Extension will remove it and its associated data.

Children's Privacy

The Extension is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13.

Changes to This Policy

We may update this policy periodically. We'll notify you of material changes via a prominent notice in the Extension or by other means.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected].